Busan(KRPUS)-2days-Shanghai(CNSHA)-2days-Ningbo(CNNGB)-3days-Shekou(CNSHK)-1days-Yantian(CNYTN)-1days-Hongkong(HKHKG)-6days-Singapore(SGSIN)-20days-SANTOS(BRSSZ)-3days-Paranagua,BR(BRPNG)-2days-Navegantes,BR(BRNVT)-3days-MONTEVIDEO(UYMVD)-1days-Buenos Aires(ARBUE)-4days-Rio Grande,BR(BRRIG)-2days-Navegantes,BR(BRNVT)-2days-Paranagua,BR(BRPNG)-2days-SANTOS(BRSSZ)-11days-Coega (ZAZBA)-15days-Singapore(SGSIN)-5days-Hongkong(HKHKG)-5days-Busan(KRPUS)-
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In response to low demand from Asia, MSC announce the withdrawal of the SENTOSA service that operates between Asia and the South East Coast of South America. The last departure will be the MOL PREMIUM 4901a ETA Yantian 9th February 2016 ETA Singapore 16th February 2016.
All other services ex Asia to East Coast South America will be maintained, ensuring a large direct port coverage. The IPANEMA service will be upgraded to include Navegantes and Itajai, offering competitive transit times and efficient direct port pair coverage.
MSC remains committed to supporting customers, and while current demand is not sufficient to meet the costs of running two dedicated service, the IPANEMA service will provide the optimum solution for maintaining supply chain.