**Company Name:** LUCES FELIZ SA DE CV **RFC:** e120411u42 **Industry:** Importer and Exporter, likely involved in the lighting industry (inferred from the company name and product descriptions) ### Import Products and Bilingual Translation (Spanish-English) 1. **Product:** DESENADAS PARA SER UTILIZADAS UNICAMENTE CON PUNTOS LUMINOSOS DE DIODOS EMISORES DE LUZ (Luminous light-emitting diodes, LED) - ...
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**Company Name:** SEROC CORRUGADOS S.A. DE C.V. **RFC:** o8808179ma **Industry:** Importer and Exporter, likely involved in the packaging and electrical goods industry (inferred from the product descriptions) ### Import Products and Chinese Translation 1. **Product:** CORTADORAS (Cutters) - **Translation:** 切割机 2. **Product:** LOS DEMÁS PAPEL Y CARTON PARA CARAS (Craft paper and other paper and ...
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**Company Name:** TRANSMISSION Y LUBRICATION INDUSTRIAL SA DE CV **RFC:** i93072272728 **Industry:** Importer, specializing in industrial transmission and lubrication products (inferred from the company name and product descriptions) ### Import Products and Translation 1. **Product:** RUEDAS DENTADAS Y DEMÁS ORGANOS ELEMENTALES DE TRANSMISIÓN PRESENTANDO AISLADAMENTE PARTE (Spur wheels and other transmission elements, separately ...
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**Company Name:** INTER CICLOS, S.A. DE C.V. **RFC:** i1209146j **Industry:** Importer, likely involved in the bicycle and related sports equipment industry (inferred from the product descriptions) ### Import Products and Translation 1. **Product:** LAS DEMÁS PARTES Y ACCESORIOS DE BICICLETAS DE LAS PARTIDAS 8714 A 8713 (Other parts and accessories of bicycles of ...
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**Company Name:** COMERCIALIZADORA MUBISA SA DE CV **RFC:** u000906pp1 **Industry:** Importer and Exporter, likely involved in the food industry (baking preparations) and metal products (cables, chains, and similar articles of iron or steel) (inferred from the product descriptions) ### Import Products and HSCODE Classification with Chinese Translation 1. **Product:** PREPARACIONES EN POLVO PARA ...
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**Company Name:** IMPORTACIONES DYNAMIA S.A.P.I. DE CV **RFC:** y1302079p0l **Industry:** Importer, likely involved in the automotive parts and sports equipment industry (inferred from the product descriptions) ### Import Products and HSCODE Classification with Chinese Translation 1. **Product:** LAS DEMÁS PARTES Y ACCESORIOS DE VEHICULOS DE LAS PARTIDAS 8714 A 8713 (Other parts and ...
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**Company Name:** CHIREY MOTOR MEXICO S DE RL DE CV **RFC:** m220208117 **Industry:** Importer, likely involved in the automotive industry, specifically in engines and motor vehicles (inferred from the product descriptions) ### Import Products and HSCODE Classification with Chinese Translation 1. **Product:** LOS DEMÁS DE CILINDRADA SUPERIOR A 1,000 CM³ PERO INFERIOR O ...
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**Company Name:** AMPERE MANUFACTURAS ELECTRONICAS SA DE CV **RFC:** e810528hn0 **Industry:** Importer and Exporter, specializing in electronic manufacturing (inferred from the company name and product descriptions) ### Import Products and HSCODE Classification with Chinese Translation 1. **Product:** VARIOS ALTAVOCES (ALTOPARLANTES) MONTADOS EN UNA MISMA CAJA (Various speakers mounted in the same box) - **HSCODE:** ...
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**Company Name:** DISTRIBUIDORA ARESCO SA DE CV **RFC:** r850124ar8 **Industry:** Importer and Exporter, likely involved in the distribution of industrial components and electrical equipment (inferred from the product descriptions) ### Import Products and HSCODE Classification with Chinese Translation 1. **Product:** LOS DEMÁS FRENOS Y SERVOFRENOS, Y SUS PARTES (Other brakes and servo-brakes, and ...
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### Company Summary in English **Company Name:** FERRETERIA ZARAGOZA SA CV **RFC:** a831101jw4 **Industry:** Importer and Exporter, specializing in hardware and painting supplies (inferred from the product descriptions) ### Import Products and HSCODE Classification with Chinese Translation 1. **Product:** DEL TIPO PUEBLAROCA (Type of Puebla stone) - **HSCODE:** 25 (General category, specific code not provided) - ...
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